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International Youth Day 2023

It’s International Youth Day, an opportunity to celebrate young people as changemakers, innovators, but more importantly for just being themselves.

Today also marks one year since, Future Youth Impact was officially launched. This year has included a lot of trial and error when it comes to deciding upon on the strategic direction of the initiative, and how exactly we want to operate. I, personally, have had to balance my other commitments and projects with leading FYI, which at points, has certainly been a challenge. That is why, I am keen to shift the purpose of FYI as we move forward, using it more like a brand, enabling me to share the insight and skills I have developed through my work within children’s rights and participation. I remain eager to lead focus groups, release surveys, and continue to be active.

As we enter FYI’s second year, there will be a new branch of the initiative:

Arthur Isaac - Children’s Rights and Participation Consultant

I am offering to provide critical advice and support regarding children’s rights from a young person’s perspective, hopefully adding to the research and academic landscape.

I am happy to provide support on all areas within participation, youth voice and youth engagement, guiding those interested through the methods that I previously developed as a part of FYI.

I am keen to provide young people with tailored advice for creating their own personal brand, specifically when writing their CV, LinkedIn profile, and when preparing for interviews, utilising the lessons learnt through over 5 years volunteering in the sector as well as my experiences on both sides of countless recruitment panels.

Finally, as an experienced keynote speaker, presenter, and general public speaker who aims to energise and engage the audience, I also want to share that I am available for in-person and online events sharing the FYI ethos and approach.

NOTE: Currently, I will not be charging a fee for any of these services but will be setting up a system for donations to be made to fund FYI projects in the future which you can contribute to if you wish.

If any of these services interest you, drop me a message on any platform and I’ll be sure to get back to you to create a plan to move forward. Hopefully the website should be updated with all of these changes by the end of the summer.

In the meantime, have a great International Youth Day, and maybe you can use today, like I have, to reflect on the changes that have come in your own life over the last year, appreciating all you have learnt, and getting ready for what’s next.

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